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Department of Plant Sciences

Enological Laboratory

Viticulture and Enology

Fruit and Olive


The Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Plant Physiology

Soil microbiology

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants



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Institute Staff

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Department of Plant Sciences

Fruit and Olive:

Research in this area involves the investigation of the types represented in the coastal and island region of Croatia, with emphasis on olives, cherries, the sour cherry Maraska, citrus, fruit and figs. The purpose of research is the preservation of genetic resources and the introduction of new technologies for the improvement of existing types. Also coming encompassed in this is the development of new plantations that are best suited to take advantage of favourable environmental conditions in the area. An integral part of the research is collection and experimental plantations belonging to the Institute, which represent an extremely valuable part of domestic and introduced genotypes.

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