arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the grapevines from karstic
The aim of the project is to study arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi (AMF) in the grapevines from the karstic soils of
Croatia. These
symbiotic fungi have exceptionally beneficial role in
plants' growth and health and hence are worldwide used
as bio fertilizers. In Croatia
such natural soil potential has never been explored. Therefore,
this project aims at establishing the collection of indigenous
strains, cultivated in vivo and/or in vitro. These will
serve for further scientific experiments on functioning
of mycorrhizal fungi-grapevines symbiosis and selecting
the effective strains for the use as inoculants in sustainable
agriculture, reducing thus the role of mineral fertilizers
and pesticides. The collection will be maintained in Institute
for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split, and also
in parallel in GINCO (Belgium),
the world largest in vitro collection of this type of
fungi. It is expected that abundance of species and strains
could be found in karstic part of Croatia,
since this region is known as one of the richest European
parts in flora diversity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
usually reflect this state. In order to collect as more
different strains as possible, samplings will be conducted
in vineyards situated in different climatic conditions
and where different agricultural practices are being applied.
However, not only the species or strains composition are
important for the functioning of their relation to grapevines,
but also the seasonal changes in mycorrhizal infection
of grapevine roots and their spores' abundance, which
is additional object of this project.
in symbiosis with grapevines are the object of the proposed
project since grapevine is one of the economically most
important crops in Mediterranean part of Croatia.
It is also the crop whose establishment and growth is
highly dependent on the presence of AMF in soils, since
its root density is low in comparison to other crops and
in such plants AMF plays even a more significant role.
Cilj projekta je proučavanje arbuskularnih mikoriznihgljiva
(AMF) s vinove loze krških tala u Hrvatskoj. Ove simbiozne
gljive izrazito povoljno djeluju na rast i zdravlje biljaka
i stoga se diljem svijeta koriste kao "biognojiva".
U Hrvatskoj ovaj prirodni potencijal tla nije dosad proučavan
te ovaj projekt namjerava uspostaviti kolekciju autohtonih
sojeva, uzgojenih invivo i/ili invitro.
To će biti osnova i za buduće eksperimente o funkcioniranju
ove simbioze između biljaka i mikoriznih gljiva te za
odabir učinkovitih sojeva u svrhu inokuliranja sadnica
loze u održivoj poljoprivredi, smanjujući tako potrebu
za sintetskim gnojivima i pesticidima. Kolekcija će se
održavati na Institutu za jadranske kulture i melioraciju
krša u Splitu te paralelno u kolekciji GINCO u Belgiji,
najvećoj svjetskoj kolekciji ovog tipa gljiva. Očekuje
se da će se pronaći veliko bogatstvo vrsta u krškom dijelu
Hrvatske jer je ova regija poznata i kao jedan od najbogatijih
dijelova Europe u raznolikosti biljaka, s čime je izravno
povezana i raznolikost ovih gljiva. Kako bismo skupili
što više različitih vrsta, uzorkovat će se vinogradi smješteni
u različitim klimatskim uvjetima i u kojima se primjenjuju
različite poljoprivredne mjere. Međutim, za funkcioniranje
simbioze mikoriznih gljiva i loze nije bitno samo ustanoviti
vrste gljiva, nego i sezonske promjene mikoriziranosti
korijena i brojnosti njihovih spora u tlu, što je dodatan
cilj ovog projekta.
predloženog projekta su mikorizne gljive s korijenja vinove
loze, s obzirom da je loza jedna od ekonomski najvažnijih
uzgajanih kultura u mediteranskom dijelu Hrvatske. To
je također kultura čiji je rast izrazito ovisan o prisutnosti
mikoriznih gljiva u tlu, s obzirom na malu gustoću korijena
u odnosu na druge uzgajane biljke, pa je kod njih ova
simbioza još naglašenija.