Croatia Agriculture Research and Educational Exchange
project will establish an agricultural exchange of research
scientists and producers between Croatia and Georgia, USA.
An evaluation of promising pomegranate and kale selections
for phytonutrient content will be accomplished through an
exchange of germplasm. It is anticipated that high phytonutrient
and heat-tolerant cultivars of kale will be identified for
production in both regions, while novel pomegranate cultivars
suitable for production in humid climates, containing high
levels of phytonutrients, and have market appeal, will be
identified to assist with the establishment of a new industry
in Georgia. In order to facilitate these research objectives,
strong links between research scientists, county agents
and growers from both regions will be required. This will
be accomplished through extensive use of in person and video-conferencing,
training of a graduate student, undergraduate study abroad
programs, Deans and Directors meetings, and intensive short-courses
for local stakeholders, students and scientists. This project
will result in the identification of novel kale and pomegranate
cultivars and their phytonutrient content, and facilitate
the training and education of Croatian producers and researchers
to the extension service framework.